TCS staff was a godsend to our son. It is hard to imagine the course his life would have taken without their unwavering support and skills in teaching kids with learning differences. We are convinced that his experience at TCS was in no small measure responsible for his kindness as a person, and his subsequent achievements in high school, college, and beyond. It is with profound gratitude for the teachers and staff that we support their ongoing mission to prepare kids in need of a different learning environment to lead happy and successful lives. Our contributions are a modest attempt to pay it forward.
Jeff and Charlene Sternberg, Parents of TCS AlumnusThe College School
Make A Gift
By some estimates, between 30,000 and 50,000 students in Delaware may be grappling with dyslexia and ADHD. Many need more support than most schools can provide.
Children at The College School, are taught strategies to succeed both socially and academically, providing them the opportunity for long-term success.
Unfortunately, many families do not have the financial resources to get their children the help they need to learn and thrive.
Your gift can provide financial assistance to these deserving students.
In addition, while we strive to mitigate tuition increases, the cost of classroom materials and professional development continues to rise. We depend on the gifts from donors and other philanthropic sources to close this gap.
When you support The College School, you help to generate a wealth of opportunities for our students. Please consider investing in their future, by supporting:
Tuition support for families in need of financial aid
Professional Development in research-based educational techniques
Increased awareness of the value and importance of The College School
A rewarding and life changing experience for all students
How can you help? There are three ways of designating a gift to The College School.

Provides technology upgrades, books for the TCS Literacy Link, updated curriculum materials, assessment tools, after-school activities, field trips, and more

Provides classroom supplies and professional development in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics.

Named on behalf of former TCS Director Dr. Jeanne Geddes, who served and dedicated her life to students in need of support, this fund provides ongoing scholarship assistance to selected families of The College School
Ways to Give
- Make a gift online using our secure online giving form.
- Send a check to the Office of Development and Alumni Relations, 83 East Main St., Newark, DE 19716. Be sure to note which designation you prefer in the note section of your check to ensure your gift is designated correctly.
- Give over the phone by calling 866-535-4504 during normal business hours.
Many companies match gifts to their employees. This is a great way to double or even triple your gift. Check with your company’s Human Resources Department or visit our online database at to find out if your employer matches gifts.
Thank you for your support!