The College School

Hello College School Families!

This weekly newsletter is coming a day early as I am excited to share great news!

I am very pleased to announce that Mrs. Andrea Glowatz (pronounced GLOW-WATTS – as she described – “like a light bulb that glows and has watts”) has accepted the College School Director position! She will join the College School family on July 1, 2023. Mrs. Glowatz brings nearly 25 years of teaching and leadership experience to the College School. Mrs. Glowatz is currently the Dean of Teaching and Learning at Tower Hill School where she has served for almost 7 years. She also serves as a Learning Specialist for Middle School and Upper School at Tower Hill. She has a bachelor of science in education and a master of science in literacy. She holds certifications in Pennsylvania and New York including reading specialist for PreK-12. She has been a classroom teacher (kindergarten and grades 4, 5, and 8) and a math intervention teacher for grades 6, 7, and 8. Mrs. Glowatz brings unique international experience as well, having served as Assistant Head of Lower School at TASIS – The American School in England. Upon her return to the states, Mrs. Glowatz spent six years at The Pennington School in New Jersey in both teaching and administrative roles.

Upon accepting the position, Andrea said “What an honor it is to join a community that lives into my life’s work! Learner variability positions the College School to be on the cutting edge of research and best practices in education. In essence, it is the community that makes it possible for all players – students, teachers, and parents alike – to realize that natural variations in the human genome truly make the world go ‘round. Thank you for inviting me to join your purpose.”

I am excited about the experiences that Mrs. Glowatz brings to take our school on the next phase of our journey. Mrs. Glowatz will join our closing ceremonies on June 8 and I am looking to set up a meet and greet in late April or early May so you can meet her before the end of the school year. I would like to thank everyone who participated in the search process to ensure that the College School is positioned for the best possible future. An extra special thank you to the search committee – Dorit Radnai-Griffin, Erin Newmark, and Le Roy Whitehead for their commitment to find our next leader.

Walk-a-thon: Thank you to everyone who showed their support for our UDance/B+ Foundation Walk-a-Thon! It was a beautiful day to raise funds and awareness around childhood cancers.

Report cards were sent home with your child(ren) on Thursday.

Reminder: School is closed next week for spring break.

Reminder: Deposits for the 2023-2024 school year are due April 15.

I hope everyone has an excellent spring break and returns refreshed and ready to finish off the school year.

With joy and optimism,
Interim Director

Rachel Mroz
Sr. College Business Officer/CEHD Chief of Staff
College of Education and Human Development
106 Alison Hall West